Forum Topic Pharmaceutical
  • Conversation: The impact of GDPR on RWE

    • February 13, 2018 10:05 AM GMT
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      The impact of GDPR on RWE

      Never has a data privacy regulation gained so much attention.
      From country to country, industry to industry, and role to role the impact of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be felt. It affects all who handle health data, and now with its implementation just around the corner (May) it’s more front of mind than ever.
      In eyeforpharma’s latest webinar they’re joined by expert panellists; Victoria Perez-Riu, Chief Privacy Officer, AstraZeneca, Nigel Hughes, Scientific Director, Janssen to explore: The Post-GDPR Landscape – Turn Data Requirements into RWD Advantages.
      You can sign-up for free here:
      Key learnings include:
      - Determine the business impact of GDPR on future real-world studies – and how to ensure performance doesn’t take a downturn
      - Understand how you can continue to make sound investments in data sharing, secondary use and linkage
      - Explore the level of stakeholder collaboration required from the ground-up to maintain compliance and move forwards on data quality
      Follow this link to make sure you’re signed-up:
      And, if you can’t make the dates don’t worry, the recordings will be sent to all sign-ups.

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