Forum Topic Pharmaceutical
  • Conversation: UCB, AZ and Janssen catalyze trust in real-world evidence

    • July 19, 2018 1:26 PM BST
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      UCB, AZ and Janssen catalyze trust in real-world evidence

      Like oil, data needs to be found and extracted, cleaned and refined, then transported to its destination.
      Real-world evidence is seen by many as a key fuel to power pharma’s next evolution – from a drug developer/seller to an end-to-end healthcare solutions provider – but pharma still faces many challenges along the way.
      In eyeforpharma’s latest Trends in Real-World Evidence Magazine, we feature articles that explore how to manage these challenges.
      Download the latest free magazine here:
      Hear key insights from:
      - Joseph Dye, Head of HEOR, Neurology US, UCB
      - Sean McElligott, Director, Global Market Access Lead Dermatology, Janssen
      - Michelle Hoiseth, Corporate VP, Parexel International
      - Aaron Mitchell, Managing Principal and Global Lead for R&D Excellence Practice, ZS
      - Merat Baghaformer, Director of Marketing, Digital Health & Patient Care, Merck
      - Sajan Khosla, Head of Real World Evidence – Center of Excellence, AZ
      Read the full free magazine here:

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