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  • Conversation: Celltrion's infliximab biosimilar to be tested for COVID-19

    • June 16, 2020 5:27 PM BST
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      Celltrion's infliximab biosimilar to be tested for COVID-19

      Celltrion Healthcare has partnered with the University of Oxford and University Hospitals Birmingham to investigate the use of infliximab biosimilar CT-P13 as a treatment for COVID-19 symptoms.
      As severe COVID-19 is associated with a major immune inflammatory response, researchers are testing the theory that therapies targeting this could also be used as a treatment for COVID-19.
      Infliximab is an anti-TNF therapy designed to attach to TNF, a protein important in inflammation, and is currently used as a treatment for other inflammatory conditions.
      “Using a treatment which is effective by blocking TNF in more than 10 inflammatory diseases to treat inflammation associated with COVID-19, in which levels of TNF are also high, makes a lot of sense,” said Sir Marc Feldmann, Professor of Immunology, University of Oxford, one of the inventors of infliximab.
      “If treated with infliximab upon admission to hospital, the number of patients who may need to be admitted to intensive care may be reduced.”

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