Forum Topic Pharmaceutical
  • Conversation: Webinar: Facilitate patient interaction throughout your company

    • June 13, 2017 11:58 AM BST
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      Webinar: Facilitate patient interaction throughout your company

      For years, discussions in pharma have centered on why it is necessary
      to gain patient insights for their work. Now, as this mentality gains momentum,
      the question has now moved on from ‘Why
      are we doing it?’  to ’How do we do it?’
      In this
      webinar, eyeforpharma will
      tackle the
      most effective ways of operationalising patient-first models so that they
      deliver both for you, and for your ultimate customer:
      Thursday June 29th, Guy Yeoman, VP Patient Centricity at AstraZeneca and Ruth
      Wilson, Head of Patient Advocacy at Teva will discuss how to:
      ·       Avoid
      duplication and improve communication with centralized co-ordination of
      patient-centric efforts
      ·       Ensure
      organizational transparency and rapid access for all functional areas via a
      portal with tools and resources
      ·       Instil
      an enterprise-wide engagement process to help teams know how and when to engage
      with patients
      Make sure you tune in – sign up for free here:
      Don’t worry if you can’t listen live; sign up anyway and
      you’ll be sent the recording.

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